Friday, May 29, 2009

May 29, 2009

The second to last week of school started on a Tuesday after a four day weekend. Everyone seemed to be tired after their long weekend. It was supposed to be our final week of boat construction because the last week was reserved for priming and painting. We got a lot done on the boat. We finished making the thwarts (seats) and cleats (which hold the boat together at the corners). We primed the inside and outside of the boat and most everything is ready to paint. We just had a few minor things left to construct. The boat is looking pretty good and the girls are anxious to get it in the water! We spent our last day with GGNRA watering the native plants we worked so hard to preserve in previous weeks. We all received different animal temporary tattoos for our hard work! Friday was spent at San Francisco State University working on our final projects for history and oceanography. It was Iris' birthday so we had a little cake after school to celebrate. The girls have all been working together as a team and have definitely become a lot closer since the beginning of the semester.

Friday, May 8, 2009

May 8, 2009

After coming back from our break, things still felt shaky for all of us girls. We still felt like we should be on the boat, or go back to the boat. There’s still apart of us that feels crazy that were back. We’ve been on the boat for six weeks going from island to island, and to be back home where the same thing happens over and over again.

Coming back we had our first day in the boat shop. We learned the safety rules, where every tool goes, and how to use some of the power tools. It felt different meeting the new people when I was used to the crew on the boat. It reminded me when we first meet the crew on the boat. Well after we learned the safety stuff and all that we started working on the boat that same day. We broke up into groups, most of us volunteered for the stuff we wanted to do, than the people who didn’t volunteer for anything just got put to jobs. They were just as good though. After we went to lunch, we came back to do what we had to finish in the shop.

On Thursday we went to a classroom and it felt really different because for the last six weeks we had class it was on the deck of the boat, it felt different being stuck in a classroom. I felt like I couldn’t sit still because I was use to the wind, the moving of the boat the crew yelling and the deckhands running around. This added to the feeling that this couldn’t be happing I couldn’t be back already.
I know it is going to be hard getting use to being back. Especially when I miss that boat, and I know most of the girls do too. The teachers said this would be the hardest part of the whole program but I didn’t know it would be this hard. It is like I’m glad to be home but I feel the need to be back on the boat, mostly when the girls start to talk about the memories we had on that boat.

Veronica Olimpiada.