Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April 1, 2009

We are in Dominica, and we went on a 14 mile hike to a place called the Boiling Lake. Our guide was named Sea Cat and he showed us some really cool stuff like the different kinds of trees and where the fresh water was. He told some good stories about the mountain we were climbing, the stories were amazing we learned a lot about the history of the mountain and the Boiling Lake. For example he told us about how the natives would hide in the trees and knock on them to communicate with each other.

Sea Cat made a bunch of different kinds of snacks for us as we went along like salted fish salad, fruit punch, and eggs that he boiled in the hot springs! He was a really fun guide to have because he would do stuff that the other guides wouldn’t do. He gave us volcanic mud facials which were good because they make the skin soft and smooth. He would allow us to swing on the vines and swim in the hot springs that were like hot tubs.

The boiling lake is 200 feet across and is part of a volcano. I believe that it was an amazing hike to be a part of. To get to the boiling lake it’s a lot of up and down stairs and rocks. The site from the top of the mountain was beautiful, you could see many different colors of green, blue, brown, and a little bit of white. I wish that I could have stayed there just so that I could enjoy the site every day. Part of the mountain was a rain forest where it rained a lot and it made the trail very muddy and slippery, it made it harder to go up and down the steep stairs and over the rocks. The end of the hike was fun because we got to go swim in the Titou Gorge and see a waterfall inside a cave. When we got back to the boat everyone could really feel how sore their muscles were.

The last cool thing of the day was when Marcella joined us on the boat after missing the first two weeks. We hope she enjoys the trip.

Not many of us have had time to write letters home because we have been busy on the boat working hard and working on our projects on land.

Ann Curran

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