Monday, April 27, 2009

April 27, 2009

The girls have reached Florida!

I got a call from Molly Sunday morning that Spirit had safely arrived in Fernandina Beach. They were clearing US customs and then planning to leave and visit Cumberland Island. They spent Sunday on Cumberland Island, and will spend today there as well. Tomorrow they will head back to Fernandina Beach, have a field day on the boat, pack their bags and get ready for their flight back on Wednesday!



  1. This has been a long journey for the girls. The classes,studying,preparing for the trip. Then implementing their studies in the actual field/sea. They have had to adjust mentally and emotionally,physically. Their detailed blogs have shown how much they have grown and learned thru this experience. I personnally am proud of all of them. I would say they have proven themselves seaworthy. I would like to say: JOB WELL DONE!!! It's time to pack up and go home. I'm sure your all ready to board the plane back to SFO. Ashley, see ya there (S.F.)

  2. .....As always, I'm 'late as usual' :) getting in on the "tall ship blogs"(for all who know me!!). Tonight's my first night reading about everyone's adventures and I hear from my family that my niece, Kayla, is already back in the U.S.! The blogs and photos were wonderful, and Kayla, I thought of you often while on my Carnival Pride Cruise ship heading to Jamaica and the Cayman Islands the 1st week of April. After reading your blog about the yearning of another ship's fresh water showers I felt like a primadonna for being bummed that I didn't have a porthole in my cabin!!! I AM SO PROUD OF YOU FOR OPENING YOURSELF TO THIS ADVENTURE IN LIFE....YOU GO GIRL!!!!! And that go for all of your fellow student sailors!! LOVE YA, CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YA!!! Maybe I'll visit you in California and I'll get us into a movie studio instead of a Vermont radio station this time!!!...........LUV AMY~~~~~/***} {***\
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  3. I spent 20 minutes trying to design you a cyber heart, and after I posted my comment....well, it looked like what you saw....sorry! Amy
